Kotlin at Allegro Allegro is the largest online Polish retailer and in this episode we chat with Rafal and Konrad about their adoption of Kotlin, how they first used it on server-side then mobile. We also discuss their views on Spring Fu, Ktor, Functional Programming, and even Domain Drive Design!

Neo4j and more with Michael Hunger In this episode chat with the awesome Michael Hunger about neo4j, GraphQL and some other interesting topics such as programming for kids. If you're not familiar with neo4j, it's a graph database that allows you to model your data in terms of relationships and easily run complex queries.

Greenfield Kotlin at OLX How do you go about adopting Kotlin for a financial application when you're asked questions about it's validity, why it won't become another {xyz} language or be abandoned? How do you get people that don't know Java to use Kotlin? These and more things are discussed with Benjamin and Guido from OLX Group, where they talk about their usage of Kotlin on the backend with DropWizard for their financial payment system.

Speaking Spek and Gradle We chat with Artur about their adoption of Kotlin, Gradle Kotlin DSL and their adoption of Kotlin as a whole.

Kotlin at Shazam We talk to Luca Naldini from Shazam about their use of Kotlin on the backend, where they have split a large monolith into a bunch of microservices, some of which are now being written in Kotlin.