Neo4j and more with Michael Hunger

In this episode chat with the awesome Michael Hunger about neo4j, GraphQL and some other interesting topics such as programming for kids. If you're not familiar with neo4j, it's a graph database that allows you to model your data in terms of relationships and easily run complex queries.

About Michael Hunger

Michael Hunger has been passionate about software development for a very long time. For the last few years he has been working with Neo Technology on the open source Neo4j graph database filling many roles. As caretaker of the Neo4j community and ecosystem he especially loves to work with graph-related projects, users and contributors.

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Reinventing Ticket Sales with Pretix

In this episode of Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri and Sebastian Aigner chat with Raphael Michel, the founder of pretix, an open-source ticketing system. Raphael shares his fascinating journey, from building pretix to solve a conference ticketing problem to becoming a full-fledged company with a global reach. The conversation dives into the complexities of event ticketing, the challenges of the pandemic, and the surprising new markets pretix entered, like managing access for public swimming pools in Berlin. Continue reading