Taking part and growing a Kotlin Community We chat with Brent Watson about his involvement and background in Kotlin, as well as starting a Kotlin meet-up, getting people to participate and lessons learned.

kscript with Holger Brandl We discuss scripting with Kotlin, its uses, its shortcomings and how the Open Source project kscript enhances on what Kotlin provides out of the box.

Application Monitoring with Micrometer We talk to Jon and Clint about Micrometer, a new Pivotal project that helps in application monitoring, whether you're deploying hundreds of microservices or just a couple of small apps.

Kotlin/Native with Nikolay Igotti We chat with Nikolay Igotti, on everything Kotlin/Native. What it is, how it interops with the existing ecosystem, how the memory management model works, and much much more.

Groovy and Kotlin Interop at Rocket Travel We chat with Tyler and Nate about the adoption of Kotlin and what is mostly a Groovy shop and how they've gradually moved towards Kotlin while being able to interop with Groovy and Grails.