Code Kindness with Pamela Hill We chat with Pamela Hill about code kindness, in which we discuss what constitutes comprehensible code and the things we need to be aware of when writing code. We discuss the challenges of different approaches to writing code, objectivity, code reviews, and a bunch of other things!

SQL Delight We chat with Alec Strong about SQL Delight, the multiplatform data access library that have written from the ground up using Kotlin. We discuss some of the differences with other data access frameworks as well as the benefits that Kotlin has provided them.

Kotlin at Uber We talk to a few folks at Uber Engineering about their adoption of Kotlin in a non-conventional setting where they're using Buck. We also discuss some of the work they've been doing in terms of performance analysis with Kotlin and the differences with Java. This work has been published and available for public access (see show notes). Note: first couple of minutes had some feedback issues which were resolved.

Ktor with Ryan Harter We talk to Ryan about Ktor, the asynchronous framework for connected systems, developed and maintained by JetBrains. We talk about how it can be used for developing server side applications and its differences with some other existing ones.

Talking CFP with Christina Lee Christina and I sit down to talk about submitting talks to conferences, and in particular about KotlinConf. That and some chat about cats and dogs!