Canvas and Graphics Programming We chat about Graphics Programming on Android and how and where Kotlin can help, availability of Kotlin libraries and where and if code sharing could help with graphics programming when targeting multiple platforms.

Coroutines and RxJava with Josh Keen We sit down to talk to Josh about coroutines, its usage in Android, the differences with RxJava, and whether we can combine both technologies.

Being ahead of the curve with multiplatform development In this episode we chat to Ana Redmond about her adoption of Kotlin/Native for multi-platform development very close to the time it was announced. She went fully onboard with the technology and managed to develop and release a successful educational game. Very inspiring story of someone that went from not knowing Kotlin or Swift, to release a product in a short span of time.

Dialling Back with Annyce Davis We sit down with Annyce to discuss the use of Kotlin features and whether or not we're often abusing these in detriment of creating maintainable code. We chat about code review practices, design principles and even the DLR principle! We even talk about Googling

Kotlin and Android We sit down with Florina from Google to talk about everything Kotlin, from Android and what it means to be Kotlin First, to the series of Kotlin/Everywhere events that JetBrains and Google have collaborated on, and even touching on code reviews.