QLDB at Amazon

We sit down with the folks from the team at AWS that work on QLDB, to discuss what Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) is, their usage of Kotlin, why they choose Kotlin over Java for this new project, and how their overall experience has been.

About Marc Bowes, Andrew Certain, Al Vermeulen

Marc, Andrew, and Al are software engineers at Amazon Web Services, with a collective 50 years of tenure at Amazon. They have worked on AWS’s EC2, S3, Elastic Block Store, DynamoDB, and others. They are currently working on Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB), which is entirely written in Kotlin

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Reinventing Ticket Sales with Pretix

In this episode of Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri and Sebastian Aigner chat with Raphael Michel, the founder of pretix, an open-source ticketing system. Raphael shares his fascinating journey, from building pretix to solve a conference ticketing problem to becoming a full-fledged company with a global reach. The conversation dives into the complexities of event ticketing, the challenges of the pandemic, and the surprising new markets pretix entered, like managing access for public swimming pools in Berlin. Continue reading