We chat with Vladimir about Compose from a user perspective. We go through the history of UI solutions that have been available for Android, and see how and where Compose fits in. We also briefly talk about Flow and how it can make a great companion to Compose
Catching up with Josh Long
We sit down with Josh Long to talk about life, the current world situation, and of course Spring and Kotlin. We discuss the adoption of Kotlin over the years, what the Spring team is doing to support Kotlin, and many other things.
Gradient Descent
We sit down with Erik to discuss gradient descents and how understanding this can lead to demystifying machine learning. We talk about the value of knowing how things work under the covers, as well as maths, functional programming, and many other topics, including why he chose Kotlin, and what he likes and dislikes of the language
QLDB at Amazon
We sit down with the folks from the team at AWS that work on QLDB, to discuss what Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) is, their usage of Kotlin, why they choose Kotlin over Java for this new project, and how their overall experience has been.
Catching up with Data Science at JetBrains
We chat with Roman Belov about the work he's doing at JetBrains with Kotlin for Data Science. We discuss the approach they're taking to work with the existing ecosystem as opposed to try and replicate it. How this is different from some of the other efforts under way and the direction in which they're moving when it comes to Data Science with Kotlin on multiple platforms.