Catching up with Jake Wharton

We speak to Jake Wharton about his interest in Kotlin and the adoption process at Square. We cover one of Jake's favourite features which are extension functions and properties and how RxBinding creates these by parsing Java source code.

About Jake Wharton

Jake has been developing for Android since the first public M3 SDK preview. He focuses on writing small, modular, well-tested libraries and tools to solve some of the ubiquitous problems which developers face. He enjoys learning tools and libraries from other, emerging languages and applying their knowledge and techniques to advance Android and Java development and tooling.

Show Notes

Additional notes

We chatted for over an hour with Jake, but to keep inline with the duration, some parts were trimmed. But I have asked Jake to come back on the show at some point cause it definitely is great chatting with him and lots of interesting things to cover! Also, apologies for my voice. Unfortunately a cold got the best of me. It won’t happen again!

Well, that’s the plan anyways.

Reinventing Ticket Sales with Pretix

In this episode of Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri and Sebastian Aigner chat with Raphael Michel, the founder of pretix, an open-source ticketing system. Raphael shares his fascinating journey, from building pretix to solve a conference ticketing problem to becoming a full-fledged company with a global reach. The conversation dives into the complexities of event ticketing, the challenges of the pandemic, and the surprising new markets pretix entered, like managing access for public swimming pools in Berlin. Continue reading