A Chat with Andrey Breslav

In this first episode of Talking Kotlin, we speak with Andrey Breslav, team lead and father of Kotlin. We discuss his background, why he decided to work on Kotlin, the challenges of designing a language, how things are done on the team, as well as a peek into what’s in store.

About Andrey Breslav

Andrey, the Lead Language Designer for Kotlin, began his career at Borland, where he worked on language implementations for MDA support. After spending a few years as a college teacher, he joined JetBrains in 2010 to develop the Kotlin programming language.

Show Notes

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Going from Swift to Kotlin with Skip

In a slightly unconventional episode, Sebastian and Márton talk to the founders of Skip, an iOS-to-Android, Swift-to-Kotlin transpiler solution. Marc and Abe have a background working on both Apple platforms and the JVM, and their latest project is a bridge across these two ecosystems. Continue reading

Kotlin After 2.0

Published on August 29, 2024