Talking CFP with Christina Lee

Christina and I sit down to talk about submitting talks to conferences, and in particular about KotlinConf. That and some chat about cats and dogs!

About Christina Lee

Christina is an Android Engineer at Pinterest, where she worked on building out the first version of the video player before switching to a rapid prototyping role for strategic projects. She’s passionate about bringing Kotlin to Android devs everywhere, and can usually be found talking to devs about null safety and the power of FRP

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Going from Swift to Kotlin with Skip

In a slightly unconventional episode, Sebastian and Márton talk to the founders of Skip, an iOS-to-Android, Swift-to-Kotlin transpiler solution. Marc and Abe have a background working on both Apple platforms and the JVM, and their latest project is a bridge across these two ecosystems. Continue reading

Kotlin After 2.0

Published on August 29, 2024